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There’s a reason that Anthony and Mike have been friends for almost a decade, co-founded the OutBound Conference together, and have written the foreward for 3 of each other’s 6 books. They share a passion for helping salespeople learn the truths about selling, even when those truths may be unpopular or require more work.

On this episode of In the Arena, Anthony and Mike debunk myths and present truth in the areas of social selling, sales motivation, prospecting, and time management, and discuss how the principles in Mike’s latest book, #SalesTruth, can help you win more new sales.


What compelled Mike Weinberg to write his new book, #SalesTruth, was that what he was reading online about how to succeed in sales did not align with what he saw in real companies across the globe. Hear more on this episode of In the Arena.Click To Tweet


Kylie Jenner Didn’t Cold Call Her Way to a Billion Dollars in Net Worth

The chief sales officer of a well known social selling firm took a selfie, standing in front of a Forbes magazine with Kyle Jenner on the front cover, and declared that social selling leads to real sales. These are the kind of myths that are being sold to weaker, more gullible salespeople looking for a quick fix. It’s easy to believe that you can get deals without having to pick up the phone, but it’s just not the truth. Drawing from his many years’ of experience in B2B sales, Mike talks to Anthony about what salespeople can do to connect with their dream clients beginning with the first sales call.

In this conversation, Mike recalls the sales fundamentals that have proven to be successful whether he was selling envelopes and prints or plastic parts. Be sure to listen to see if your sales strategy includes any of his powerful principles.

Prospecting is Not Optional

Top salespeople are always prospecting, but Anthony and Mike discuss how some salespeople are under the impression that they don’t have to prospect. They think they can leave the work of prospecting and qualifying to account managers, but the job of a sales executive is to sell, and you cannot sell without prospecting. The truth is, when your funnel is full, you sell smarter.

Mike tells about how he trains his sales teams to reach out to dream clients before they are zero percent through the buying process. He suggests practical ways to make sure you are constantly adding to your funnel, and how you can avoid the distractions to which many salespeople fall prey. This conversation is full of practical questions you can ask yourself to make sure you are being productive when it comes to prospecting. Be sure you listen and take notes.


'The only thing that will inoculate you from a bad outcome is a pipeline.' Anthony talks with Mike Weinberg about his new book, #SalesTruth on this episode of In the Arena. Listen now!Click To Tweet


Ignore Your Hot Deals

Many times, salespeople can be so anxious to close deals, they default to service work, but in Mike’s book, #SalesTruth, he flips that idea on it’s head. His advice? Ignore your hot deals, at least at the beginning of the day. Beginning the work day with the hardest work – opportunity creation, prospecting, cold-targeting – frees up the rest of the day to do the service work that needs to be done, and play with warmer opportunities. Mike believes you should turn the funnel upside down and work on the coldest items at the top of your funnel first. In this conversation, Anthony talks about the importance of spending the first 90 minutes of your day prospecting, and Mike says that the most effective leaders and the most productive salespeople extricate themselves from participating in things that are of low-value.


'You'll never be opportunity starved if your best selling time, early in the morning, is spent trying to create opportunities.' Mike Weinberg discussed his latest book, #SalesTruth on In the Arena. Listen now!Click To Tweet


20% Lies/80% Truth

Mike makes it clear in this coversation that although he and Anthony do a lot of picking on the charlatans and the nouveau experts, that really only makes up about 20% of #SalesTruth. He feels it is important to protect new, vulnerable salespeople from believing lies that will not make them successful. Mike focuses the other 80% of the book on truths that work including prospecting, attitude, messaging, target lists, calendaring, how to sell with a higher price, and best practices from some of the best salespeople he’s ever known.

Don’t miss this conversation. If you have found yourself or your sales team believing lies of a success that comes without putting in the work, then you’ll want to listen to this episode full of practical truths to begin using right away!

Outline of this great episode

  • How Mike and Anthony met and became friends
  • How to tell the difference between the truth and lies in sales
  • The truth about social selling
  • What should motivate you in sales
  • Characteristics of a great salesperson
  • The Taylorism of Sales defined
  • The truth about prospecting
  • How to reach dream clients before they are 57% through the buying process
  • The difference between a salesperson and a servant
  • Why the 90 minute call block is bad advice
  • The truth about time management
  • Working with an upside down funnel
  • The goal of Mike’s new book, #Sales Truth

Resources & Links mentioned in this episode

The theme song “Into the Arena” is written and produced by Chris Sernel. You can find it on Soundcloud

Connect with Anthony







Post by Anthony Iannarino on June 11, 2019

Written and edited by human brains and human hands.

Anthony Iannarino

Anthony Iannarino is an American writer. He has published daily at thesalesblog.com for more than 14 years, amassing over 5,300 articles and making this platform a destination for salespeople and sales leaders. Anthony is also the author of four best-selling books documenting modern sales methodologies and a fifth book for sales leaders seeking revenue growth. His latest book for an even wider audience is titled, The Negativity Fast: Proven Techniques to Increase Positivity, Reduce Fear, and Boost Success.

Anthony speaks to sales organizations worldwide, delivering cutting-edge sales strategies and tactics that work in this ever-evolving B2B landscape. He also provides workshops and seminars. You can reach Anthony at thesalesblog.com or email Beth@b2bsalescoach.com.

Connect with Anthony on LinkedIn, X or Youtube. You can email Anthony at iannarino@gmail.com

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