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Blog Category // 2019 (2)

How To A Follow A Checklist To Improve Sales

One way to ensure your results is to use a checklist to ensure you have what you need to succeed, including the outcomes you ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

How to Use Filters to Accelerate Your Productivity

I used to track every task that showed up in my life, regardless of how it showed up or the source. No matter how large or ...

Why You Need To Believe Sales Success Is Not Situational

Success in sales isn’t situational. I need offer no greater explanation than success itself is individual, a statement that ...

This Is How You Really Learn to Sell

Adversity is what makes and shapes you. Without adversity, without having to push through something difficult, your ...

Why You Should Think About Selling As a Performance

Because selling is your job, you may not look at it as something more than work. Most people don’t do as well at work as ...

How Your Superstitions About Monday Calls Ruins Your Results

Or, an alternative title: Never Give Up Your Monday. Or Any Other Day.

How To Reset Your Personal Algorithm For Success

Because I travel frequently, I download a lot of content. Most of the content I keep on my smartphone is video content from ...

What You Must Do To Win

Desire to Win: You aren’t going to win if you can live with a loss. You are not going to win if there isn’t something ...

How to Become Someone People Want to Buy From

We tend to think of selling as something one does, as a profession, a set of actions. We believe that anyone motivated to ...
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My Gratitude on Thanksgiving Day 2019

As I reflect back on the last ten years I have spent writing a daily blog post here, I am grateful for the friends I have ...

10 Narratives You Must Avoid If You Want Success

You are always telling yourself and others stories. Those stories include the meaning you attach to your thoughts, beliefs, ...

The One Way to Establish Your Credibility and Relevance

Some salespeople still open the first meeting with a prospective client by sharing their company’s history as a way of ...

A Lack of Growth and The Failures of Accountability

When people write about the fact that less than fifty-percent of salespeople reach their quota, they often intimate that ...

How To Start Becoming A Better Version Of Yourself

The most significant barrier to producing the results you want stares back at you from your mirror when you are brushing ...

The Stupid Idea of Being a Closer

Every week I receive an InMail or a connection request on LinkedIn from a person who describes them as a “high ticket ...

The One Competitive Advantage Not Being Commoditized

Salespeople and sales organizations work very hard to differentiate themselves and their offerings as a way to create a ...

How To Determine Your Dream Client’s Effort

Winning a new deal is complicated. Not only does it take time, but it also takes effort. If you don’t invest the time and ...

The Value of Learning from Other’s Mistakes

If you look at people who produce excellent results and lead their field, if you pay attention and look closely, you will ...

The 14 Tools You Need to Nurture Your Dream Clients

If you want to pursue your dream clients across time and space, you are going to need a professional pursuit plan that ...

13 Colossal Inefficiencies That Destroy Sales

There is no end to the number of technological tools designed to create efficiency for salespeople and sales organizations. ...

How To Make Motivation Last

Zig Ziglar said: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it ...
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Hi, I’m Anthony. I help sales teams make the changes needed to create more opportunities & crush their sales targets. What we’re doing right now is working, even in this challenging economy. Would you like some help?

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