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Blog Category // Competition

How to Displace Competitors in B2B Sales: Proven Strategies for Sales Success

Discover the secrets to effortlessly displacing your competitors and achieving sales success with these proven strategies.
Information Disparity 2-part video series

How to Handle Dishonest Competitors and Win Over High-Value Clients

Discover effective strategies to counter dishonest competitors and secure your dream clients with integrity.

Mastering B2B Sales- How to Outshine Competitors Without Giving Them a Seat at Your Client Meetings

One client answered the call on speakerphone. He wanted to give me the experience he had every day. I wasn’t prepared to ...

Does Your Blood Stain the Red Ocean? Exploring the Impact

There is increasing interest in Eat Their Lunch: Winning Customers Away from Your Competition. Several sales organizations ...

Battle Cards or Value Creation Cards

The idea of a battle card is to provide a salesperson with information that might help them beat a rival for a prospective ...

How to Lose an Opportunity Before Creating It

You can lose an opportunity before you create it. There are several mistakes that can end your chance of winning your ...

Why New Reps Should Sell a Commodity

As a new sales rep, you might want to sell a product that is unique and special. You might believe it would be even better ...

The Role of Competitive Analysis in Gaining a Competitive Edge

When it comes to competition in sales, there are two conflicting ideas. On the one hand, there is nothing you can do about ...

Effective Selling and the Art of B2B Competitive Displacement

There are some sales organizations that sell to companies that are seeking to change providers. In these cases, the B2B ...
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The Ultimate Guide to Pricing Power

Pricing power refers to a company's ability to set and increase prices without significantly reducing demand for its product ...

Failing to Keep Up with the Rate of Change

One way to describe our current environment is AC/DC, an acronym for the Accelerating, Constant, Disruptive Change we have ...

9 Sales Rules for Surviving the Red Ocean

No one wants to live in the Red Ocean, but if you believe the Blue Ocean is somehow better, look at the short time Netflix ...

Different Exactly Like Everyone Else

To create a preference to buy what you sell, you must create some kind of meaningful differentiation. But most salespeople ...

Why You Should Avoid Saying Anything Bad About Your Competitor

The Gist Talking about your competition is tricky and can be harmful to your sales results. Any attempt to trash your ...

My Prediction for Mike Tyson versus Roy Jones, Jr.

I rarely write about current affairs. I prefer to write about ideas that I believe will stand the test of time, work that ...

Are You Fighting with the Wrong Weapons?

For a very long time, we used a small set of sales weapons to create and win new opportunities. Over time, we developed new ...

How to Differentiate Your Company’s Model

Beating out your competitor for a big deal requires creating more value for your client, especially when your price is ...

Avoid Talking About Your Competitor in a Meeting

You have to be careful when and how you talk about your competition in B2B sales. It never pays to speak poorly of your ...

9 Rules for Competing for New Business

Much of the time, those of us in B2B sales find ourselves competing with a rival for a client. Someone wins, and someone ...

Learning How to Swim in the Red Ocean

Be Uber. Be AirBNB. Be Facebook. Be a disruptive force and create a scenario and create a scenario where there is no ...

Gaining a Competitive Advantage In B2B Sales

In Eat Their Lunch: Winning Customers Away from Your Competition, I wrote about salespeople who struggle because they try to ...
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