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Blog Category // Productivity (2)

How to Make Your CRM a Strategic Asset

Sales leaders need to know their team has enough of the right opportunities to reach their goals. They also need visibility ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

On a Sense of Control and Perspective

Recently, I switched my project and task manager from Todoist (a great tool, and one I have enjoyed using over a number of ...

The Fine Art of Monotasking

My six email boxes fill up every week, the result of a technology with no barrier to prevent anyone and everyone from ...

Slowing Down & Doing Good Work

Our culture worships efficiency as the high mark of civilization. We bemoan any Amazon order that doesn’t hit our porch ...

What You Leave Undone

The Gist: Time is a finite resource and there are only a select amount of hours and days. There is no more important ...

Time, Energy, Focus and Your Results

The Gist: There will always be constraints on what you can accomplish in a certain amount of time. Poor results have less to ...

Using Friction to Protect Your Task List and Your Time

The Gist: In the drive for efficiency, we have made it too easy to accept distractions. Software tools make it easy to ...

How to Filter Your Time for What’s Important

The Gist: There are always going to be more demands on your time than time to meet them. Success and productivity require ...

12 Steps for How to Boost Your Activity and Hold Yourself Accountable

The Gist:
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Accomplish More by Blocking Bursts of Time for Your Top 3 Priorities

The Gist:

On Reading Wisely and Widely

The Gist

The Value of a Time Inventory

The Gist:

The Enemies of Your Today Are Real

The Gist: Some enemies of your “today” are self-imposed, like lacking a plan, goals, and priorities. Other foes include the ...

Why You Should Hyper-Schedule Your Days

People often complain about not having enough time, as if bellyaching would somehow cause the Universe to grant them a ...

Beating the Curse of the Knowledge Worker

I started working when I was thirteen years old, washing dishes at a very large banquet center. At the beginning of my ...

Attention Filters Will Help You Stop Wasting Time

Never before have more distractions vied for your limited time and attention. Your computer and your poorly-named ...

Would You Make the Same Decision This Time?

If you were given the chance to do last week over, would you? Would it be worth living that week over again? More to the ...

Burning in the Procrastination Pattern

One of the reasons you procrastinate is because you have burned in a pattern of procrastination. But there’s good news: once ...

Why You Should Front-Load Your Day

I recently bought a relatively expensive Garmin watch—one nice enough that I can wear it when exercising but keep it on for ...

How I Take My Notes on the Books I Am Reading Now

A few months ago, I found a new software called Roam Research. The software is unlike any other software you are familiar ...

Four Important Rules That Will Help You Stay Organized

One of the most important disciplines for success is being organized. It is increasingly difficult now that we now have ...
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