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Blog Category // Productivity (3)

How I Take My Notes on the Books I Am Reading Now

A few months ago, I found a new software called Roam Research. The software is unlike any other software you are familiar ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

Four Important Rules That Will Help You Stay Organized

One of the most important disciplines for success is being organized. It is increasingly difficult now that we now have ...

How to Productively Plan Your Weeks and Days

Some of the things that lead to success, greater productivity, and goal attainment seem small and insignificant when they ...

Why It Is Impossible to Be Busy and Productive

It is impossible to be busy and productive at the same time. You are either one or the other, as they are mutually exclusive.

The Two Most Dangerous Hours of the Day

How productive you will be on any given is most at risk during the most dangerous hour of the day, the first hour after you ...

Spend More Time Selling and Less on Everything Else

Most of the activities around sales are necessary (some more than others) but don’t improve your sales results. Sales ...

Do You Have What it Takes to Be Your Own Boss?

Now that many people are working from home, there is a greater need than ever to be your own boss. There is no one there to ...

How to Get Back to Work

Your business may have been shut down entirely, or you may have been required to work from home. You might still be being ...

The Ultimate Reason You Need To Protect Your Days

Do you protect your days? If you give up days, you end up giving up weeks. It’s easy when you procrastinate one day, ...
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A Short Note on Your Next Decade

I want you to know that didn’t forget you and that nothing has happened to me. Today, my focus is elsewhere.

The Ultimate Improvement to Your Morning Routine

The idea of a morning routine is growing more popular, as more people become aware of the value of setting yourself up for ...

How to Use Filters to Accelerate Your Productivity

I used to track every task that showed up in my life, regardless of how it showed up or the source. No matter how large or ...

Why You Can Never Have A Slow Week

Despite the somewhat hyperbolic title, it is possible to have a slow week. But for that to be true, it would indicate that ...

Productivity May Not Be What You Think It Is

One of the reasons you might not be as productive as you want to be is because the idea isn’t well defined. Many people who ...

9 Filters To Better Decide What To Do With Your Time

How do you decide what to do with your time when confronted with more projects and tasks than one might easily complete in a ...

Only Do One Thing At a Time

The proliferation of tools, apps, and modern business practices has increased the number of distractions with the power to ...

The Monumental Value of Task List Bankruptcy

About once a year, I review all of my projects, initiatives, and tasks to determine what is still relevant. That description ...

The Single Greatest Threat To Your Productivity

What prevents you from being productive throughout the week is not the internet or social apps. It isn’t the many ...

Productivity: How to Make More Time

The excuse many of us make for not doing what we know we should be doing is, “I don’t have time.” The truth is just the ...

5 Simple Ways To Quickly Eliminate Burnout

I consider myself fortunate to believe that work is a game, and my life is my real work. If something is a game, you play. ...

If You Want to Be More Productive Start with Values-Based Decisions

The most difficult part of being productive is making values-based decisions. The words “values-based” not only refers to ...
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