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Blog Category // 2010 (4)

Five Sales Beliefs That Spell Doom (and their replacements)

The biggest driver of your success in sales is the beliefs you maintain. Here are five of the unhealthiest, doom-spelling ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

To Maximize the Value for You, Maximize the Value for Them

There is a gap between the value you and your firm might have generated from having acquired a customer and the actual value ...

Selling and the Difference Between Price and Cost

You sell a product or service and you have many competitors that sell a similar product or service. Winning means having a ...

The Business of Sales is About People

It’s People, Not Solutions I never wanted to be in sales. The very idea repulsed me. As a young man, I believed salespeople ...

In a Hole? The Best Way to Get Yourself Out.

If your sales are not what you want them to be—or need them to be—you have to change. It isn’t enough to work harder, doing ...

Strategy Cannot Be Determined by the Limitations of Your Sales Force (A Note to the Sales Manager)

The success of your strategy depends on the success of your only real asset: your salespeople. Your businesses strategy is ...

How To Keep the Initiative

There are dozens of reasons that your dream client opportunity may stall. Winning deals requires keeping your opportunities ...

Respect, Not Fear

There is a difference between respecting your competition and fearing your competition. Respect, they deserve (some more ...

Exceptions Aren’t the Rule

There are exceptions to every rule. Even though the iron laws of sales cannot be broken, sometimes a salesperson can win a ...
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Your Last Impression

There is no mistaking the importance of a great first impression; it can make enough of an impression to open a ...

Sales Forecasting Accuracy: Two Questions You Must Answer

Salespeople and sale organizations are notoriously bad at forecasting. A quick glance at the pipeline will most likely ...

Write Your Needs Analysis and Buying Cycle Questions

Most salespeople believe that they have the greatest ability to sell and to influence a deal in their direction during their ...

Is Their Problem Really Your Problem? (A Note to the Sales Manager)

There aren’t many things that come easier to a sales manager than being frustrated with their sales team’s results. Sales ...

Does Your Dream Client Want a Presentation? Really?

At some point in the sales process—especially if there is a competition—you are going to make a presentation to your dream ...

Two Ways to Never Have to Fear Your Competition

You must respect your competition, but that doesn’t mean you have to fear them. Even if they are bigger, and even if you ...

Don’t Sell What You Want To Sell

No matter how good your product or service, no matter how excited you are about it, no matter how much you believe—and you ...

Rigid Discipline to Principles, Outcomes Achieve in Flexible

The game of sales is as much art as it is science. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t rules that apply and that need to ...

Winning Before the Contest

Much of what I have written here is about competition and winning in sales. Much of the time we find ourselves competing ...

Your One True Strategic Objective In Sales

Sales is a blood sport. It is a zero sum game; somebody wins and somebody loses. Because this is true, it is easy to lose ...

Negativity: The Only Cancer That Spreads By Contact

The only cancer that is spreads by contact is negativity. Negativity is a communicable disease, and it's important to ...

Incongruent Beliefs and Poor Sales Results: A Love Story

There are some things about sales that are difficult to explain. Sometimes, even though there may be no way to prove that ...
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