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Blog Category // 2020 (2)

Developing Weapons-Grade Insights for Your Clients

You might use a lot of different insights to help your clients and your prospects make better decisions about their business ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

How to Face the Fear of Owning Your Life

At the moment of your birth, you were given a life. You didn’t ask for one, nor were you aware of your rights or your ...

The 7 Things Stunting Your Intelligence Right Now

Any serious writer has to be willing to accept that their search for what is true will always alienate those who prefer to ...

Attention Filters Will Help You Stop Wasting Time

Never before have more distractions vied for your limited time and attention. Your computer and your poorly-named ...

Do You Belong in the Room Where Things Happen?

Your dream client is trying to solve a persistent challenge or embark on some new initiative that they believe is critical ...

From Good to Great in Sales

There is a path from good to great in sales. It isn’t always an easy journey, since it requires that you grow and improve ...

Love Winning, Hate Losing, and Getting Better at Selling

It’s easy to love winning a deal, especially if you happen to be naturally competitive. You acquire a new client, your ...

This is Your Manual for How Selling Works

A friend asked me to describe to him exactly how selling works. To answer the question, we do need to look at how a very ...

How to Improve Your Endurance

Everything starts with your mindset, what you believe, and how you frame the things you experience. Many years ago, I was ...
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If You Want More Heat, You Need More Wood

In one of Napoleon Hill’s books, perhaps Think and Grow Rich, there is a cartoon of a man standing in front of a ...

My Prediction for Mike Tyson versus Roy Jones, Jr.

I rarely write about current affairs. I prefer to write about ideas that I believe will stand the test of time, work that ...

The One Thing for Which to Be Thankful

If you possess only this one thing, you have everything you need to be grateful. The one thing that provides you what you ...

When You Should Promote Your Best Rep to Manager

Even well-intentioned leaders often make the same mistake when hiring a sales manager. They look for a person with a proven ...

The Demands of B2B Sales in the 21st Century

Both buying and selling are becoming increasingly difficult, especially when decision-makers and decision-shapers must ...

When You Wait Too Long to Speak to Your Clients

Every so often, a salesperson sends me an email to admit that they have waited too long to reach out to their clients. They ...

Selling a New Solution to Your Existing Clients

You’ll always feel some trepidation when your company asks you to sell a new solution, especially one that hasn’t been ...

How to Stop Settling for Pandemic Results

I have resisted writing about COVID-19 and our global pandemic for quite some time, as it already dominates the 24-hour news ...

Improve Your Sales by Improving Your Ability to Help Clients

Improving your sales results means helping your prospective clients in a more meaningful way, a way that is more valuable to ...

How You Sell is More Important Than Your Title

After I wrote a post on order-takers, a reader asked whether I believed that all workers with certain titles qualified as ...

My Advice on Finishing 2020 Strong

Around this time every year, salespeople start to let up. They take their foot off the gas, and even though they may not ...

The Difficult Challenge of Professional Development

People tend to look at professional development as being skills-based or educational in nature. It’s true that improving ...
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