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Blog Category // 2013

My 2013 Balance Sheet

It’s the last day of the year. Time to do some year-end accounting.
Information Disparity 2-part video series

What I Would Tell My Younger Self

My Teenage Self You know you really are an asshole sometimes. Your Mom is raising four kids by herself and you can really be ...

10 Laws for Leaders

Give your team credit for the victories. Your team did the work. They did the heavy lifting. Take none of the credit, even ...

On the Occasion of My 4th Anniversary

It was four years ago today that I decided to start writing and posting here daily.

7 Tests for Your Value Proposition

This post was written as part of the IBM for Midsize Business program, which provides midsize businesses with the tools, ...

How to Put Yourself in Foul Mood (Or Not)

Ever in a seriously foul mood? Ever find yourself in a bad mood for no reason at all (or no good reason anyway)?

Tonight You Are Rich

On his program, Born to Win, Zig Ziglar reminds us that we are already rich. He asks you if you would give up your eyes for ...

Why Can’t You Fail?

One of the best salespeople I ever managed wasn’t at all what you’d expect.

On the Usefulness of Recurring Themes

The themes that reoccur over and over again provide you with strong evidence.
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Make This Go Faster

The fastest way to improve your number is to help your clients and prospects make the improvements that they need to make. ...

Solving the Wrong Problem and Subtracting Value

The chain restaurant specializing in ribs in my neighborhood was struggling. Their business wasn’t doing well, the quality ...

The Professional and the Amateur

The professional never stops studying their craft. They never stop training, and they never stop trying to make the ...

You Get What You Pay For. More Or Less.

Cheap isn’t about value creation. It’s about the absence of value. It’s true that some segment of customers, regardless of ...

Why I Write What I Write

I write about caring because I believe it lies at the heart of trust and relationships. In the end, you are going to measure ...

On Unlimited Sales Success with Brian Tracy – Episode 29

Today’s guest, Brian Tracy, pulled himself up from nothing through sales, to build a speaking, coaching, consulting, and ...

More Is Not Better. Better Is.

More clients. More sales. More profit.

This Is How I Work

This is my riff on Lifehacker’s This Is How I Work Series.

How We Learn

There are many ways to learn.

What the After Picture Is Missing

When you look at the “after” picture, you can’t see the actual work it took to get there. You only see the statue after all ...

Your Before and After Picture

I am riffing on this idea that my friend Chris wrote about. He said that no one cares about your “before” picture unless you ...

Three Things Your Sales Manager Should Never Have to Manage

Your Attitude: Your sales manager should never, ever have to manage your attitude. Your attitude is really your belief ...
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Hi, I’m Anthony. I help sales teams make the changes needed to create more opportunities & crush their sales targets. What we’re doing right now is working, even in this challenging economy. Would you like some help?

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