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Blog Category // 2021

Eleven Life Categories to Improve in 2022

Here is my list of eleven areas of life to improve this year: Health and Physical Wellness Psychological Health and Stress ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

How to Build a Sales Strategy - Elite Sales Strategies

When done right, a sales strategy is the driving force that keeps your sales team on track for success.

How You Are Enabling Sales Prevention

The Gist: Some current sales practices actually prevent deals. We have been bamboozled into choosing efficiency over ...

How Your Email Campaigns Harm Your Results

The Gist: We have reached peak email prospecting, the point when its effectiveness begins an inevitable decline. Two emails ...

How to Make Your First Impression Impressive

The Gist: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Outdated approaches to sales, especially during first ...

The Small Screen that Commands Your Time and Attention

At 4:30 AM each morning, I am greeted by my most faithful companion: it never strays more than a few feet away. Every ...

How Your First Meeting Repels Your Prospective Client

The Gist: The way to a second meeting is a valuable first meeting. The reason clients disengage is because the conversation ...

The Sales Process Was Designed to Solve the Sales Organizations Problems

The Gist: It’s heresy to say so, but the sales process was designed to solve the sales organization’s problems. Creating a ...

Why Your Next Lead Is No Better Than the Last

The Gist: New leads are not better than old leads. Recency bias will cause you to believe that a new lead will be easier to ...
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The Only Two OKRs for Sales

The Gist: Sales is made up of two parts: Opportunity Creation and Opportunity Capture. The more you focus on these major ...

The Medium Is Your Message

The Gist: Over time, our technologies have taught us to prefer asynchronous communication mediums. They have also convinced ...

What You Leave Undone

The Gist: Time is a finite resource and there are only a select amount of hours and days. There is no more important ...

A Serious Misunderstanding of the Word Consultative

The Gist: Too many salespeople still believe that consultative selling means asking the client about their pain. Approaches ...

Prioritizing Sales Tasks In Order of Importance

The Gist: We want to win deals, but we can’t do that without first creating them. There are (still) only two things we do in ...

7 Variables to Transforming Yourself for a Competitive Advantage

The Gist: In a world of constant, accelerating, disruptive change, agility is a competitive advantage. Unlearning is as ...

What It Means When You Trash Your Competition

The Gist: There is never a reason to trash your competition. The more mature your contact, the more you’ll alienate them by ...

What Your Client Should Expect from You

The Gist: Your clients have expectations for how you use the time they give you. It is important to give them what they need ...

Why Human Beings Provide More Value Than Automation In Complex Sales

The Gist: More and more, sales organizations are refusing to provide their prospective clients with the help of a ...

Conversation Beats Automation

The Gist: Conversations are better than automation. Use automation only when your outcome doesn’t require creating value. It ...

What to Track About Your Competitors

The Gist: We sometimes overestimate our competition, making them a sort of bugaboo. There is nothing you can do about how ...

Seeking Unfair Advantages

The Gist: Sales is a competition, a contest with a single winner and multiple losers. In a zero-sum game, you need to create ...
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Hi, I’m Anthony. I help sales teams make the changes needed to create more opportunities & crush their sales targets. What we’re doing right now is working, even in this challenging economy. Would you like some help?

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