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Blog Category // Mindset (3)

You Are All In or You Are All Out

There is nothing wrong with exploring what you might be or do. In fact, it might take you a while to find something that ...
Information Disparity 2-part video series

Honesty is Important When Assessing Yourself

In my experience, when salespeople give themselves all zeros (or all tens) on every category of a competency model, their ...

How to Face the Fear of Owning Your Life

At the moment of your birth, you were given a life. You didn’t ask for one, nor were you aware of your rights or your ...

The 7 Things Stunting Your Intelligence Right Now

Any serious writer has to be willing to accept that their search for what is true will always alienate those who prefer to ...

How to Improve Your Endurance

Everything starts with your mindset, what you believe, and how you frame the things you experience. Many years ago, I was ...

My Prediction for Mike Tyson versus Roy Jones, Jr.

I rarely write about current affairs. I prefer to write about ideas that I believe will stand the test of time, work that ...

The One Thing for Which to Be Thankful

If you possess only this one thing, you have everything you need to be grateful. The one thing that provides you what you ...

A Victim Mindset in Sales Will Debilitate You

In The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, I wrote that success in sales is not only about individual effort, but also ...

Politics and Your Personal Success and Growth

Some of my closest friends are left-of-center. Others are to the right. I love all of them, and I never judge the value of a ...
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What to Do With (and Without) Influence and Control

Your effectiveness and the quality of your life depends on how you interpret and respond to the world around you. The more ...

How Will You Vote on Your Personal Ballots This Year?

It has been said that elections have consequences, most of which half the country would denounce while the other half ...

How to Build an Indomitable and Empowered Mindset

In 1995, I walked into a Barnes & Noble and began perusing the new hardcover books displayed at the very front of the ...

The Incredible Power Found in Uncelebrated Discipline

“I hated every minute of training, but I said: Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – ...

Your Before Picture and the Authentic You

Over time, you evolve. You grow and you change. You become someone different from who you once were. Some transformations ...

The Care and Feeding a Sales Force Needs for Growth

We can break the care and feeding of a sales force into a few large categories, each of which includes several elements that ...

You Must Do What You Alone Can Do

Thoughts and Aspirations

Success and Radical Personal Accountability

In every area of your life, you are responsible for creating the circumstances and the results you want for yourself and ...

The Fastest Way to Find Meaning and Purpose In Your Work

Many people believe that and behave as if another person should imbue their work with meaning and purpose. You might be ...

How to Acquire a Success-Oriented Mindset

Your mindset is a critical factor in producing successful results, since it helps you create the character traits and habits ...

How to Change Your Mental State Now

When my three children were tiny, like all small humans, they would put themselves in a “negative” or “unproductive” state. ...

Your Independence and Liberating Yourself

Well, it may be the devil, and it may be the Lord, but you’re going to have to serve somebody. – Bob Dylan from Gotta Serve ...
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